Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Clarity's Sleep Over

Marli and Jaelyn came over to visit with their cousin and we got this great pic of the three granddaughters. It's fun to see them together and we know that they'll grow up to be fast friends. They're all growing up way too fast.

Steve and Michelle trusted us to babysit Clarity - all alone, overnight. They had reservations at a local hotel with a spa and good food and they had a great time. But we had a better time! We had so much fun playing with Clarity. Gran got to sleep with her - she's not the best little sleeper but we did great. Of course, she thinks her Papa is the best - just like the other granddaughters. We were very tired when we finally waved to her on her way home to Hood River, but it was all worth it. Everytime we had Marli and Jaelyn for a sleep-over, we learned so many valuable things from them and now we're learning new things from Clarity, too. Such brilliant granddaugters - they keep us on our toes.

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