Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Winter in Portland

Our weather isn't great and I know that's a problem in lots of areas. Winter in Oregon can be quite difficult. We don't get much snow and it doesn't very often freeze more than once or twice, but this year - it has been below freezing for 4 days with another 5-7 promised. It snowed the other day and everything shut down. Now it's above 32 and it's raining! That means tomorrow that everything will be covered with a sheet of ice and then it will snow on top of that and then probably rain again. What a crummy start to winter. But at least I don't have to get out in it. Our Winter vacation officially starts Thursday although we only went to school one day this week. So now I'm off until January 5th.

Marli and two friends are coming over to bake cookies this weekend and then Jaelyn and friends are coming over on Monday to dip pretzels. They're also painting ornaments, crocheting and knitting so we manage to keep plenty busy. I have a project or two of my own to get done and then I'm sure the time will be gone. We'll be at our house for Christmas Eve with Mike's family and then have everyone here on Saturday when Steve's family comes to town. It should be a lot of fun and we'll eat well - we always do. Have a great Holiday Season with your friends and family.

1 comment:

Susan said...

I bet when it's cold in Portland, it feels really cold. Anyplace I have been where it's humid, I freeze when it's cold. By the way, it's about time you added to your blog.

Have a Merry Christmas